Debt... It's A Bitch!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Kama Sutra Obama: His Words of Love, His Politics of Rape

Our Presidente has shown of late something that makes me smile. He's angry. You can tell he's angry. Those of you who like him think its because of his desire to put "the American people" before politics. Those like me who think he couldn't run a lemonade stand without a university-backed grant, think he's mad because he's not getting his own way and is resorting to acting like a whining infant. I said it. I imagine the lefties who occasionally view this blog for a good chuckle are clutching their soy lattes with fists of anger right now. So be it. Now that we had a health care summit and boths sides got their words in, I'd like to point out two very distinct things that might make all who read this very alarmed. First, the exchange between Comrade Obama and Sen. John McCain. It goes something like this...

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Let me just make this point, John. Because we're not campaigning anymore. The election is over.

SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN, R-ARIZ.: I'm reminded of that every day.

OBAMA: My concern is, is that if we do that, then we're essentially back on Fox News or MSNBC on the split screen to start going back and forth.

MCCAIN: Could I just say, Mr. President, the American people care about what we did and how we did it.


MCCAIN: And that's a subject that I think we should discuss. And I thank you.

OBAMA: They absolutely do care about it, John. And I think that the way you characterized it obviously would get some strong objections from the other side.

Im taken by this, not for the merely intellectual pursuit of asking why our President made mention of campaigning, but to the effect in why must he say something that has no significance in the present form. Did he feel the need to project his win, or his stature? Does he feel inadequate? Do people see him as weak in his eyes? I honestly don't have the answers but our President is showing classic examples of being that brat on the playground with a new pigskin football when the rest of us are sporting Nerf. I think, that despite whats happened in the town hall meetings, in the Massachusetts election, in the Tea Party movement, our President will not look at the warning signs, nor look at the will of the American people. The roads point to '94... yet their feet are not off the gas. It begs to wonder who Mr. Obama is driven by, or what he believes? If he agrees to just hear ideas disguised in the cloak of bipartisanship, the American people will see his platitudes... and this little exchange shows that he is not ready to listen. And folks, theres a big difference between hearing and listening.

Around 12:45 of the summit, Obama rebuked Minority Whip Eric Cantor for displaying a copy of the 2,000-plus page health care bill, calling it one of the "political things we do" that prevent a real conversation, saying there is honest disagreement over how much government regulation of the insurance industry there should be, but Republican ideas won't address dropping people with pre-existing conditions and other problems. What's comical about this is... well, it's 2,000 fucking pages long! The only things worth reading at that length are Harry Potter and cook books inspired by television shows (i.e. The Sopranos). Mr. Cantor had every right to bring in and make a scene because it over complicates legalities and creates loop-holes and allows for hidden language within the bill. Ive read bills, they're exhausting. The President fails to mention that Republicans believe in business bundling, which addresses pre-existing conditions. Despite what many say, Republicans want their ideas heard, but the administration won't allow a voice to be heard besides its own. While his words create the hyperbole of benevolence, we wonder if its all for the sake of the American, or if its something more motivated by deep-rooted ideological blindness. Words have power and our President isn't a fool. I don't believe he's evil, but I do believe a man unchecked by his own ambition and goals (especially one so as radical as his) will lead to a very destructive pattern. A sardonic friend of mine in a jovial manner always says that you can't rape the willing... but with America pulling the hand of power off her throat, we might be too late to act.

1 comment:

  1. I can't stand the fact that after Americans have resoundingly rejected the health care bill, sorry I meant socialized medicine.. no wait I mean public option.. no sorry I mean health care reform, that the administration is trying to cram it right back down our throats then has the gall to have a "round table discussion with republicans" on it while not planning to actually listen to their concerns or ideas anyway. This administration cares more about what it looks like it's doing rather then bothering to see if what they are doing is something we want. It reminds me of meetings I used to attend as a youth leader at a church. We would get together and share ideas but the only ideas we would run with were the ones that the guy running everything already wanted to do. The meeting was basically a big show to make us all feel like our opinions were heard an mattered when in actuality he was going to do whatever the hell he wanted to do anyway.
