Debt... It's A Bitch!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Hollywood Morality

I find myself laughing every time I see another actor, director, or studio exec stand up for an "important issue" or for one of their colleagues. Everything from Will Ferrell portraying insurance companies as evil, to Leo's passion project on global warming have demonstrated a complete isolation of thought that resembles an elitism mingled with complete narcicism. It almost feels that the sympathy, social justice advocates, and green conscious Hollywood crowd believes they are America's beating heart. Even the latest Michael Moore yarn is about the "evils of capitalism". Now granted, Hollywood has been the easiest target for middle America the last few years but, why does it seem that they get louder and louder? Why do God-fearing, gun-toting, 4x4 driving Americans put up with a new morality being imposed, at the cost of being lampooned? We sacrifice our moral fiber for the price of entertainment. Quite simply, some days we want to laugh, or cry, or get an adrenaline rush from our lazy-boy recliner. We've given power to an unchecked body... the media. Media distrust is probably the oldest form of skepticism in American culture, right up there with our government (thanks to Roswell). But its not the deeper conspiracy that overcooks my grits... its the flagrant disregard of sanity. David Duchovny (Mulder)talked about his 8 yr-old kid masturbating on a talk show. David Letterman making jokes about rape, and then admitting to having sex with some of his staffers. I mean really. Don't get me wrong, I like low-brow humor, BUT WHEN DO WE DRAW THE LINE? Now we have Roman Polanski, a very talented director whose capture for a crime committed years previous has led to an onslaught of Tinseltown's most loved to voice their opinion in favor of the proven rapist. Their argument... "well, it was so long ago." I say BOLDERDASH! It amazes me that people are willing to flip shit over Michael Vick coming back to the NFL, but Polanski gets a sympathetic following of devout fans. This even after Vick's institutionalized reformation, steps he took both forcefully and willingly. People like Martin Scorcese go from my book of respect to my book of smashed ass holes. Hollywood has hijacked the credibility of credible science, they've tampered with our constitutional understanding and our national defense. They use talent, humor, music, and blend it with fringe opinions and left-leaning agendas. If it continues down this route, Im sure the federal government will bail Hollywood out too... much like it has the automotive industry, The New York Times, the banks, and other bankrupt institutions...

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