Debt... It's A Bitch!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A New Face In The Mirror

This might fit along the lines of a journal entry but Im not going to turn it into a fluff piece on how I take picture of flowers and find the vibrant beauty of a radish, but I would like to tell my faithful readers how I've changed for the better in the last few months. I'll start with the biggest plunge I've taken... I'm attending Catholic mass. While I was baptized Catholic I had little ties to it since my parents pro-created me. And you all thought I was stork brought, HA! Asswipes! But in going to mass I find something I've had little of the last few years, a tradition thats stood the test of time. A bond that links the liturgy of old with the spirituality of new. I will always get my kicks out of the new evangelism movement, but I afford myself an anchor, a constant system. Christianity is about a relationship with Jesus, but then... what is denominations purpose? I find it to be the strict parent or boarding school teacher. They aren't terribly fun, but you respect them because they've seen where the cyclical season of life take individuals. It's earthly mentor ship in the ministry. The Catholics know there faults, they know there strengths, but they always tend to be bedrocks of faith. For me, of late, they fit. Another thing Ive been trying my hand at is yoga. Trust me, plenty of gay jokes have already surfaced, I expect nothing less of my Pennsylvanian friends, because I'd honestly be doing the same thing. I recently left a facebook status regarding my second attempt as "Zach Strewn had his Yoga instructor baffled upon revealing to her that it was only his 2nd class... Some call me the Yoga prodigy, others call me the Miracle on the Mat. In tight-knit circles I go by the Sultan of asanas, or the Titan of tantra. Know this though... I was born... to Yoga". Now I realize my ability to come off ostentatious and narcissistic plays up to audience (all of the dedicated 3... oh, shoot, I have 4 followers now), but I really was complimented and I did better than a few of the huskier people. Maybe it was because I was trying, but its enjoyable. Its helping me to become more conscience of something I would otherwise dismiss as fruity or stuff Fabio would do. To keep it pithy, the change I'll address is doing laundry, and ironing my clothing... or taking my appearance more important I should say rather. Ironing clothes sucks. I oft think of hell being a laundry mat, and Satan being the cranky minority lady who runs the joint like its the E-ring at the Pentagon. The thing I've learned from it though, is that you ACTUALLY have go through with the WHOLE process, no half-assing. There's a reason God didn't make sheep have self-flattening hair. We were meant to deal with all the idiosyncratic bullshit that society imposes on us IF want to be taken seriously... why? Because it reminds you of responsibility... responsibility to your self, others, and even to God.

Enjoy the changes God's working in you! Oh and feel free to comment on both my good looks and my blog entries!


  1. Hey Zach! I just found out about your blog, and must say, as always, you give a very entertaining read! I must agree with you and disagree with you, however, on your two points in this post.

    Agreed: Yoga is AWESOME. It does phenomenal things for your body and soul. I've actually started teaching private lessons, which is great, cause now I'm getting paid, for something I used to have to pay for! haha. But yes, Yoga is wonderful and keep it up, not matter how many gay comment you get! In the old days, it was ONLY men who were allowed to practice yoga anyways.

    Disagreed: While I'm no huge fan of protestant denominations and all their petty disagreements, I must say the catholic church is faaaar worse. While there may be some true believers to be found there, the majority of catholics are believing and trusting in things that are TOTALLY non-Biblical and are simply traditions instituted by MAN for power and control. Praying to Mary and the saints? "There is no other name (other than Jesus) given among men, by which we must be saved." Confession? "If you confess your sins, and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord, you will be saved" (no where does it mention telling all your secrets to a priest). The Pope?! "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through ME" The Pope is the biggest crock of control I've ever heard of. The Rosary and "Prayers"? "Beware of vain repetitions and traditions of men." Thinking the communion actually becomes flesh and blood in our stomachs? "do this in REMEMBRANCE of me." Or how about how the church covered up for all their molesting priests? Or indulgences in the medieval days? The crusades? the Inquisition? PURGATORY?! ALL TOTALLY UNBIBLICAL. Ugh... Sorry, but it all gets me REALLY riled up. Throughout history, ever since it was started, the Catholic church has been twisted into a tool of power, control, and pride, just like the Pharisees of old, and I think it really makes God sad how people can be so deceived.

  2. Ok, I will get off my soapbox now. btw, I too have a blog-spot journal, if you care to take a peak. It's nowhere near as witty as yours, but I appreciate the exposure, nonetheless.

    Hope you are well!
