Debt... It's A Bitch!

Monday, October 5, 2009


ACORN!!! Being an intern at a "certain news corporation", I've gotten to see these soup sandwiches up-close. For the full story watch "Fox News Reporting: The Truth About ACORN" on You-Tube because it will give you the genesis of the organization. Let me just say, it amazes me how powerful a grass roots organization can become, and how entangled their operation is. I'll also state that Wade Rathke (ACORN founder) is a genius. Diabolical? Certainly. His interviews go from calm, cool, and somewhat charming to out-right annoyed. Meghan Kelly definitely sticks it to him in the post-sex sting video revelations. But ACORN also represents the worst of cronyism and radicalism. Stanley Kurtz says it correctly... ACORN is a de facto socialist organization, only instead of toppling a regime, it permeates it from the ground up. When an organization can bully and manipulate with mass numbers (i.e. the poor) you can build a private army. Are they responsible for the housing crisis, the sub-prime lender crisis, banks not lending, immense numbers of voter fraud counts and the fraudulent Al Franken victory? Is the sky blue? Did OJ do it? Will Jon and Kate Plus 8 survive without Jon? In a contest of America's nicest lesbians would Ellen DeGeneres win? YES! Watch it!


  1. I think you've just demonstrated, successfully at that, how far off base you are. To infer, or even declare as you did, that the housing crisis is primarily the fault of the poor and/or the organizations that support them makes the arguments of Rush Limbaugh appear sound and reasonable. If you'd like to venture into reality where facts happily reside then by all means research what the collective consensus is regarding the housing bubble. Until then, I am content to know that this type of rhetoric is only being blogged about rather than possibly being misinterpreted by some unassuming american as factual news.

    And Franken's election was given greater scrutiny than the previous presidential election(s). Just cause Bill-o doesn't like Franken doesn't mean you have to promote his nonsense. It's rather fitting that you have a movie poster of zombies pertaining to this blog because it is clearly self-referential

  2. HAHA... since Im meshed deep within the Franken case right now I can tell you the overseer of elections Mark Ritchie (a Dem) who is an independently elected Secretary of State put the kabosh on any further investigation. However the Minnesota majority has crossed referenced the felon database (who arent allowed to vote by the way) with newly registered voters, and it came out that 2,100 of Minnesota's finest felons threw a ballot in (felons tend to vote Democrat). Nevermind the fact that the Minnesota Supreme Court didn't obey the rules of stare decisis regarding the case, nor was Norm's cert accepted on the Federal supreme court because it was being blocked by morally bankrupt judges, and he only had 10 days to file a petition (remember Norm Coleman had 300+ votes after the initial count). Now that the numbers are almost directly linked to ACORN, and well, let me say this...(if I've seen footage of felons admitting to being signed up by ACORN to vote, Id let you know) wink. Ahhh! Anyway... I know you wont read anything I tell you to so I'll just say....

    I did not say the poor alone caused the subprime mortgage crisis, but you best damn believe they had a hand in it. If you cant afford something, you dont buy it. LOGIC! Its quite simple and if you dont know this you must have an absence of it. And at this rate I'll take logic over intelligence anyday, because frankly were missing a ton of it in Washington (both parties). When you have people organize, and bully and threaten to topple organizations, they can do it through lawsuits. A lawyer is a liberals greatest friend, because he can manipulate the law on grounds of compassion through envoked opppression. Why do you have so much faith in our government? I urge you to see our national debt clock. Just watch it. Thats stealing... stealing from future generations... and what ACORN has done, Freddie May, Fannie Mac, Chris Dodd, Barnie Frank, AIG and their derivatives,Goldman Sacks, Henry Paulson and tax cheat Geithner, and even our Presidents is show us how incompetent they are.... DONT TREAD ON ME!

    "There is a better chance of repository of the kind of wisdom I choose to be governed by among average people than among PH.D's at Harvard." - William F. Buckley

  3. I'm fairly certain that logic and intelligence are not mutually exclusive but rather quite interwoven and dependent on each other. That being said, I agree that there always needs to be both in DC, perhaps now more than ever, and that it's been sorely lacking for the past 8 years. I do not share your distrust for government, but admittedly you are more well versed than I concerning matters of politics and methods of governance. But as you ended with the "wisdom... among average people" being preferred to that of "Ph. D's. at Harvard" I feel that I am justified in entering in this discourse since I am not in the latter category.

    First, of the 2,100 of Minnesota's finest felons how many voted for Franken? Second, what evidence do you have concerning the morality of these judges? Third, do you really believe that all of what ACORN does is similar to the actions taken by these individuals caught on tape or are they more akin to those of the ACORN employees who declined to provide illegal services to the "investigative reporters" such as in Philadelphia where the employees actually called the police (search 'acorn' at to verify). Surprisingly, those videos have not been shown. Moreover, should Mr. O'keefe and his associate be prosecuted under maryland state law for illegally videotaping individuals without their consent or knowledge or does the mantra of 'don't tread on me' only apply to individuals pushing a conservative agenda? (yes I know I'm using the 'don't tread on me' mantra out of context)

    Perhaps I'm getting off topic but there's always reasons for distrust, especially given the previous administration. But why hold this current administration responsible for a national deficit they've done little to create? Do you really believe that they are corrupt and/or morally and politically askew? If so what agenda do you believe they're evilly trying to enact? Never mind those questions, instead answer this query with a simple yes or no. Do you believe it's possible (and if so, how likely) that the Obama administration is operating with an intent to improve the overall quality of this country, such as the economy, healthcare et al.

  4. P.S. If answering yes will result in you being fired from your internship, then by all means refrain.
